


I often wonder,
Why are we here?
What does it mean?
When will it be clear?
And then I breath,
Deep in, then let go…
We’re here is what matters…
Get present, reflect the glow.
And then the why creeps in,
ever present, the real sin…
Challenging the freedom,
Creating mayhem.
Deep in, then let go…
Melt into your moment.
The path is you.
Surrender your torment.
Let go of the why,
Just brush it away…
One more distraction
From knowing your way.

Be the peace…


Music is my golden thread,
Wellness is my passion…
What I learn, I must teach,
Curiosity sparking action.
How do you see what is inside of you?
How do you listen to your heart?
When are you sure of the path you’re on?
When does the real journey start?
The road has never not been here…
The path has always begun.
The journey inside is forever…
Find the joy, be the peace, spread the fun.

It would have been easier…

What protects
you from harm?
What shields you from pain?
What risks don’t you take, because it’s not worth the strain?
Who is going to save you, in this dangerous life?
How will you manage? How will you thrive?
I wish someone would have told me that
Life would be this hard…
That struggle is the action that sparks passion and desire.
I wish someone would have told me, that Reality is tough…
That pain is another color in the rainbow of real love…
It would have been easier,
It would have been lighter,
It would have been easier…
But now I know that imperfect is perfect,
That darkness is part of the plan…
And I am not going to be rescued
This life is who I am.
It makes it easier,
It makes it Lighter,
It makes it easier…



Life is full of choices,
We hold them in our hands,
Like chunks of baby diamonds,
A treasure trove of plans…
“I hope i make the ‘right’ one”…
Meaning no one hurts too bad,
But hope is a glass of nothing,
Swallowing the knowledge you’ll never have.
You can’t know “what if”
or what might have been before…
You can’t have everything at once
You can’t know the final score.
You can go deep inside,
The present moment lives in there…
And ask yourself what is real,
And be brave enough to care.
For every moment is full of diamonds,
Shining for your gaze,
As you sink into your reality,
Your rising journey will amaze…
Jen of the Sun




Play… like the 4 year old inside you,

Cry… when your spirit needs a bath.

Run… when the answers are hiding,

Sleep… like a puppy taking a nap.

Be real, Be passion, Be authentic.
Be aware. Be awake. Be unique.
What happens next is a mystery,
Be present, and feel what that means.

Sit…in the the quiet of your soul,

Laugh… as the drama of life unfolds.

Balance… in the joy and the sorrow,

Dream… right now… like there’s no tomorrow…

Jen of the Sun






Joy is in the bells,
and in the ringing…
Power is in the now,
and in the knowing.
Purpose is in the task,
and in the doing…
Love is in the heart,
and in the growing.
Peace is in the struggle
and in the surrender…
Fear is in the unknown
and in the pretender.
Balance is in the falling
and in the save…
Reality is the moment
you realize you’re brave.


I am listening…

i am listening,
but do i hear you?
i am looking,
but do i see?
the truth is right here,
it is a knowing…
i can feel it,
but do i believe?
i am reaching,
but am i grounded?
i am trying,
what’s that mean?
the truth is right here,
just inside me
if i get real quiet
truth sets me free.
now i am flying,
but am i soaring?
i am loving,
but is it real?
the truth is right here,
in the silence…
i close my eyes,
all is revealed.


Love, Love, Love…

Let me love like Stevie’s muse.
Full of joy… Full of clues…
To a life of living, giving, and being…
Let me love like Stevie’s muse.
Let me love like Ray Charles’ blues.
All deep and drugged, colorful and true.
Ain’t nothin’ like the way you make me move…
Let me love like Ray Charles’ blues.
Let me love like Otis sings…
Fierce abandon… oh, the fire he brings!
Wild, raw… no heart he can’t thaw…
Let me love like Otis sings.
Let me love without precaution,
With guards down… with pure emotion.
Let me love with all I’ve got.
All fear, all reservation… all forgotten.
Let me love leaving nothing behind,
but the echo of a memory…
Stevie, Ray, Otis…
thanks… you set me free.








A right?

A privilege?

A desire?

A demand?


An idea?

A theory?

A wish?

A command?


An illusion?

A passion?

A story?

A distraction?


An emblem?

An honor?

A hope?

A justification?


May your soul experience true freedom by

awakening into what you believe, what youwant, and what your purpose is.

True freedom is inside.


Jen of the Sun…:)


Change is Inevitable…

Change is inevitable.

Growth is not.
Challenges are inevitable.
Suffering is not.
Beholding the wonder… not.
Death is inevitable.
A joyful, compassionate, purposeful, present Life…
is not.
We get to choose, most of the time…
How to be most present.
How to accept what is, while expecting miracles.
How to love more, from the bird’s eye view.
How tobe true to your heart.
How to react from a place of compassion.
How to be most kind to yourself and the world.
How to hold yourself and the world, through the changes, through the challenges,
in the light and the dark, until the end…
May your journey be bold, rollercoastery, dynamic, and full of huge rainbows….
Jen of the Sun…:)